NOTE: Most metrics in these reports are filtered by User Role. User Role is primarily based on a user’s Organization - Current Families or Prospective Families. However, users can have multiple user roles to account for them being in multiple organizations.
Your Family Activity Snapshot
Total Users: The total count of families in your portal. The green number denotes the number of new accounts created in the last month. For Prospective Families portals, this number will only include users in Active Cohorts.
Monthly Active Users: The total count of all families who have interacted with your portal and have engaged with emails over the last month. Examples of engagement include:
- Visits the portal
- Opens an email
- Replies to an SMS Message
- Clicks a tracking link in an SMS message
- Clicks on a tracking link in an advertisement
Portal Visitors: Number of users who visited the website in the last month. This does not include email activity. They must have visited the actual URL [school]
Key Communities: Engagement metrics from the communities determined to be meaningful and impactful to your institution.
Average Open Rate: Average Open Rate = (sum of unique opens per day of month / total email sends) x 100
Your FERPA Snapshot (*for Family Communication Customers with the FERPA Management Module)
Total Connections: All time total connections between families and students.
New Connections: Number of new connections in the last month.
Average Approval Rate: The ratio of “connection acceptances made by a student” to “connections requests made by a user” overall.
Clicks on Student Data: Total number of clicks on FERPA Tiles from the last month.
Top Student Data Clicks: The top clicked FERPA Tile filtered by the last month.
Your Student Enrollment Snapshot
Profile Updates: Number of prospective students who updated their profile in CampusESP (i.e. filled in their profile, joined different communities, created a password).
Users: Total count of users in the indicated stage at that point in time.
Avg. Parent Promoter Score: Parent Promoter Score (PPS) is a calculated score based on the parent’s engagement metrics with the platform, newsletter, announcements and Advertisements. The average PPS for a family member in the indicated stage is calculated by averaging the PPS by total users in that stage.
Active Cohorts: Active Cohorts are active in your platform based on the cohort closure date. In order to ensure you have the ability to only communicate with active prospective families, communication to each cohort will be turned off on a specific date every year after the respective semester has started. In general, members of a closed cohort will no longer receive email communications. You will still have access to all of the data in the portal for closed cohorts (i.e. user database info, summary engagement data, Parent Promoter Score, and yield reports). The dates below are our list of standard closure dates. Let us know if you need to adjust these for any reason:
- Fall Cohort: October 1st
- Winter Cohort: March 1st
- Spring Cohort: March 1st
- Summer Cohort: October 1st
The “Last Import Date” denotes the last day your funnel was updated (we recommend keeping your funnel as up to date as possible - talk to your CSM if your funnel imports aren’t automated yet).
Each funnel stage will show how many members are in each stage as well as their engagement stats for this month (i.e. Parent Promoter Score and open rates - both typically increase as users move towards the end of the funnel!).
Your Email Sends
Total Emails Sent: The total count of emails sent from your platform for the month (automated newsletters & announcements).
Average Open rate: Average Open Rate for the last month = (sum of unique opens per day of month / total email sends) x 100
Click Rate: Click Rate for the last month = (“sum of unique clicks per day of month” / “sum of unique opens per day of month”) x 100
Top Announcement: The announcement that received the highest open rate for the month.
Your Post Results
Total Posts Created: The count of posts created in the last month.
Total Post Clicks: Total clicks on all posts within the last month across both the newsletter and platform.
% of Posts Created by CampusESP: The total number of posts created by CampusESP Admin within the last month divided by the total number of posts created in the platform in the last month.
Top Post: The post that had the most amount of clicks in the last month filtered
Your Advertisement Results
Total Impressions: Total views on advertisements in the portal or newsletters, within the last month
Total Clicks: Total count of clicks across all advertisements for the month.
Top Advertisement: The advertisement with the most impressions during the last month
Your SMS Results For Customers with SMS Add On
Total Texts Sent: Number of text messages sent for the selected month (not filtered by user role).
Total SMS Opt-Ins: A summary of the amount of people who have opted-in to receive SMS messages from your parent platform (all-time), including a special highlight of new SMS opt-ins per the month.
New SMS Opt-Ins: Count of new users who opted-in to receive SMS messages from your platform in the last month.
Top SMS Campaign: The SMS campaign with the widest reach from the last month, calculated by the total number of sends per campaign.
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