Step 1: Add New Post
Log in to your portal and click “Add a new Post” in the bottom left area of the screen.
Step 2: Creating A New Post
Title: Add a title and select scheduling date/time.
From: Add source link if using external content (optional for internal content). If you are using content from an external source (like a college blog or resource, FAFSA for example), then we recommend adding a source link.
Post Date/Time: Schedule for immediate or future publishing. Your post will still need to be approved by your Platform Admin, so make sure you’re creating posts before you would like them to be published so you give your Platform Admin enough time to review.
Post In: Select target communities by searching names. You must tag at least one community for parent visibility.
Photo: Upload an image file or URL. Include description for accessibility (these will often be generated automatically by AI).
Video: For YouTube videos, go to and find the video you want to use. Then click “Share” in the right-side area below the video. Copy the link from the pop up window and past it into the “Video” field of the content creator. Videos will override any photos.
Content: Enter text using available formatting options (headings, bold, lists, colors, etc.).
Step 3: Attachment Tab
You have the ability to add PDF attachments to your post. Simply find the file you want to attach, and add a file name and description. A preview of the PDF will appear in the content editor and in the post when it's published.
Step 4: Advanced Settings Tab
Content Admins have access to some advanced settings as well.
In Newsletter?: You can select whether or not the post should be included in users’ newsletters, and select if it should only be included up to a certain date.
Featured Post: You can also feature the post for a window of time. “Featuring” a post is equivalent to “pinning” it to the top of the newsfeed. This is great for bringing attention to content about an upcoming event or deadline, and ensuring the post appears in everyone’s newsletter.
Close Comments: Finally, Content Admins can choose to close comments for a post.
Step 5: Create Post
We recommend double (and triple) checking your content before clicking “Create Post”. Once you do, it will be submitted for review by your Platform Admin. Your Platform Admin can approve, make edits to, or reject your post.
Step 6: Publish Post
If your post is approved, it will be published to the portal. Content admins can set up their notifications to receive updates if their post has been approved or rejected. See the next steps on how to set that up.
Step 7: Setting Up Post Status Notifications
Content admins can get notifications for the status of their post by navigating to the “person” icon on the top right-hand corner of the portal and clicking on “Edit Notification Preferences”. From there, admins can select “Send me an email when my Post is approved or rejected”.
If their post is approved, Content Admins will receive an email notification that looks like this and their post will be published to the portal.
If rejected (or unapproved/moved back to pending), Content Admins will receive an email notification that looks like this and their post will not be published.
Step 8: Editing a Post after Publishing
Once the post has been created, content admins can edit the post by navigating to the portal and clicking on “View my Posts” under the “I’d like to…” left-hand navigation pane. Click “Edit Post” to update any post that you created in the portal.
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