Step 1
Navigate to the Announcements page (Content > Announcements) and click “Add New Announcement”.
Step 2
Give your announcement a name and insert the subject, scheduled date & time, and the communities you would like to send this announcement to.
Once completed, click “Next, Design Announcement”.
Step 3
On the edit page, click on “Switch to Advanced Designer”.
From here you can insert any content blocks you would like to include.
Step 4
In the Advanced Designer, click on the “Text” content block.
You will notice that there is a new {x} icon, click on the {x} icon to insert a mail merge field.
A “Mail Merge” pop up window will appear - select the mail merge field you would like to use (selection will turn pink) and input a default value (this is the alternative value we will use if a user doesn’t have that mail merge field in their profile).
Click ”Save”.
Step 5
From here, insert the rest of the body text that you would like to include in your announcement.
Click “Create Block”.
Step 6
Review the rest of your announcement and add any content blocks you’d like to include!
Click “Next, Review Alert”.
Step 7
Review your announcement and make sure it appears as expected.
Click ”Schedule!”
You’re all done - you’ve used Mail Merge in an announcement!
Step 8
Here is an example of how the email announcement should look to parents:
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