- Width of 600px
- Height is flexible, as the height will change as long as the width is correct
This width is a good starting size for posts. Our system will resize these images to make them larger, but a width of 600px will leave you with a high-quality image. Always be sure to check the quality of the image by viewing it in the dashboard.
Portal Advertisements
- Post Style: width of 600px
- CTA Style: square 150 x 150px
- Image (nav): width of 300px
- Image (newsfeed): width of 600px
Always double check image quality in the portal.
Newsletter Advertisements
- Header or Footer zone: 590 x 200px
- Top or Bottom 2x (two-panel): 200 x 200px
Make sure to send yourself a sample newsletter to double check image quality.
- 800x60px for Headers in the Advanced Designer
- 600 x 250px for photos in the announcement
Always send yourself a test email at the bottom of the page.
***These are all suggested sizes. Make sure to check the quality of the image by sending yourself test emails, viewing the image in the portal, or sending a newsletter***
Please reach out to if you have any questions.
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