Getting into the Admin Area
Visit your home page at and click the person icon in the upper right corner. Select the “Admin” option from the drop down menu. Now that we’re here, let’s go over what you can do!
1. Dashboards
- Activity: Using the Quick Actions, you can add posts, send announcements, create new events, and build new campaigns (check out our other support articles if you want to learn more about any of these features). You can also see stats on users and user growth as well as monitor any posts or comments pending approval.
- User Signups: You can analyze data regarding the total signups over a specified period of time. The signups are separated into four categories: Admins, Parents, Students, and Guests. NOTE: Guests are users who have had posts shared with them over email using the share button across the bottom of a post’s photo area. They do not receive regular communication but can convert their account if they would like to.
- User Engagement: You can analyze data on post views over a period of time and use it to figure out which outreach strategies are most effective and what times of year may be best for important messages.
- Newsletters: On this page, we can see newsletter activity data (email sends and opens) during a period of time.
- Top Communities: Here are the top 25 communities ranked by number of members.
- Community Analytics: The community analytics page shows a chart of different community open rates, membership numbers, click rates, and more over a period of time. You can choose multiple communities to analyze at the same time. This is our most flexible chart that you can customize to find the data you need!
- Post Analytics: The post analytics page will display your Top 10 Most Clicked posts of all time and a chart of when those clicks occured. You can also add other posts if you would like to compare a certain set of posts and how they performed. Since this chart involved time as well, you can see how certain posts performed at different times of the year, such as when your drip post about Financial Aid received the most clicks, which could inform you more about when parents are looking for Financial Aid content.
- Newsletter Subscribers: Here you can analyze data on newsletter subscribers over a period of time. The data is separated by newsletter subscription frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, etc).
2. Content
- Posts: On the Posts page, you can see posts that have been sent out as well as those pending approval. You can also use the “Engagement” tab to sort posts in order of clicks!
- Events: You can add and manage calendar events and events with registration.
- Announcements: Here you can create new announcements to go out to your users.
- User Comments: The User Comments page allows you to manage user comments in the portal, and you can see whether they are pending, approved, or rejected.
- Campaigns: Here you can create and manage your ad campaigns in the portal.
- RSS Feeds & iCal Reader: If your portal has RSS or iCal feeds set up, these sections will make it easier for you to create content.
3. Communities
- Communities: This is a list of all of the communities set up in your portal. You can see information like member count, overall open rate and click rate, etc.
- Onboarding Forms: Here you can download the data that users fill out in an onboarding form.
4. Users
- Users: This page shows you a list of all users. You can search for specific people in the top bar and click on their account to see individual user information.
- User Profile Forms: Here you can create new user profile forms, such as surveys, Parent Council Applications, and more.
- User Imports: The User Imports page allows you to add new users or update user data via a CSV.
- User Exports: The User Exports page allows you to export user data within CampusESP via a CSV file. You can automate these exports to be emailed to you on either a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
- Students: For schools utilizing FERPA Management, this page allows you to search for students connected to parents/families on the platform.
- User Import Rules: This tool makes the user import process easier by mapping the data in your import file to different CampusESP communities. You’ll be prompted to match column labels in your import file to a community.
- Do-Not-Send-List: The Do-Not-Send-List page allows you to either search for or add emails to the do-not-send-list. Enter a user's email address to see if they have been added or add new users to the list by clicking the "Add User to Do-Not-Send List" button.
In addition to what's above, you might also have sections for Membership, E-Commerce, and Funnels if you are using some of our more advanced features. You can click on those sections to access your home base for Family Association Memberships, products purchased through CampusESP, and prospective families in the enrollment funnel. If you have any questions, let us know at
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