There are two ways to go about this:
1. Visit your Users page
Visit the Users page here: You can also get here by clicking on the Users icon on the lefthand side.
2. Search for a user by typing in their name or email address
Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for a user. When you find who you're looking for, click on their name or email.
3. Click the green "Impersonate User" button
Once you click the Impersonate User button, you will be brought to the home screen of the portal from that user's point of view.
IMPORTANT: Any action that you make while impersonating a user will be made on that user's behalf. You have full control of their account, which means please use caution!
4. Click the graduation cap
If a user has questions about their student's records, you can click on the graduation cap in the top righthand corner to view that particular student's records and get the full story. You will be able to see all of the permissions that the student has granted to that user. You will also be able to see if a connection request has not yet been made, or if it's still in process.
- If the tiles say Waiting, that means that the student has not yet accepted the request. This could be because the student didn't log in to grant access yet or it could be because the parent did not put in a valid student email. You can check their connection page to see what email they put in to see if they put in a valid email.
- If the tiles say Loading, that means that the student accepted the request and the system is waiting for the data to load into the tiles. New data loads nightly.
- If the tiles say Not Granted, that means that the student did not grant permission for those records.
- If the connection has been accepted, but data has not been sent for your system yet, the page will say "Pending Import Info".
1. Visit your Users page
2. Click on the "Students" section and search for student by name or email.
3. Click on the student you're looking for.
You will be brought to a page that includes the student details, connections, and student tile data summary. This page should have all of the information that you need.
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