1. Visit your Users page
Visit the Users page here: https://yourportalname.campusesp.com/admin/users. You can also get here by clicking on the Users icon on the lefthand side.
2. Search for a user by typing in their name or email address
Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for a user. When you find who you're looking for, click on their name or email.
3. Click the green "Impersonate User" button
Once you click the Impersonate User button, you will be brought to the home screen of the portal from that user's point of view.
IMPORTANT: Any action that you make while impersonating a user will be made on that user's behalf. You have full control of their account, which means please use caution!
4. Click on "Edit Notification Preferences"
5. Adjust user's notification settings
You can change the dropdown for receiving Newsletters to "Never" and uncheck the box that says "Send me an email if I receive a new announcement" to fully unsubscribe the user. Don't forget to click Save Preference.
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