1. Visit your Surveys page
Visit the Surveys page here: https://yourportalname.campusesp.com/admin/surveys. You can also get here by navigating to Content-->Surveys
2. Add New Survey
Click Add New Survey in the top right corner of your screen.
3. Enter the details of your survey
Enter the basic details for your post. You'll want to include...
- Name/Title
- Photo (optional)
- Description
- Navigation Label (This label will appear on the left sidebar of the user profile page - https://yourportalname.campusesp.com/my/profile)
- Check the box to publish your survey when it is complete. When you click “Create Survey,” you will be able to create your questions.
4. Create Question Headers and Questions
Make a header for the first section of questions. For example, you might choose “Family Weekend Attendance” or “Contact Information.” A header must be created before you create questions.
Once you have created a header, click on “Add a question to this section” to create a question.
The following screen will pop up for you to create questions. Fill out the following information:
Question Type - can be any of the following:
- PRO-TIP: If you choose a drop-down, the first answer choice you provide in the box will pre-populate on the user-facing survey. Write “Choose an answer” or simply leave the first line blank to prevent users from missing this question!
- Short Text - for text answers that are only a few words
- Long Text - for longer text answers (i.e. paragraphs for Parent Council applications)
- Drop Down - a drop-down menu (a box will appear where you can enter choices)
- Radio Buttons - users can select one of a few choices that you provide
- Checkboxes - users can select one or more of the choices you provide
- Country List
- State/Province List
PRO-TIP: You can create conditional questions based on previous answers by checking off "Only show this question based on a previous answer." The previous question that the conditional question is contingent on must be one of the following question types: dropdown, radio buttons, checkboxes.
NOTE: To edit questions, click on the three bars next to your question and select “Edit.” You can also move around the order of the question by clicking “Move” or "Delete" if you want to delete the question.
5. Create Rules (optional, but recommended)
Rules allow you to place users in communities based on their answers to your survey. This is a great way to leverage surveys for more targeted and personalized communication for your families.
To create a rule, click on Rules in the bar at the top and click “Add New Rule”
For this example, we will use the question of whether a user is an alumni of CampusESP University.
When you click to Add a new rule, this pop-up appears.
You can then select from the drop down menus to make this question on the survey perform the desired action. See below to see this section filled out:
Once you’re done, click Add Rule. You can create rules for as many questions as you would like!
6. Preview your Survey!
Make sure to click on Details-->view in Portal to make sure everything on your survey looks correct.
7. Make sure you publish!
The last step is to make sure you have made this survey public by clicking the box on the details page. This will make the survey appear on the user profile page and make the link live for when you send out the survey.
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