1. Visit the Advertisements page
Visit the Advertisements page here: https://yourportalname.campusesp.com/admin/campaigns. You can also get here by navigating to Content-->Advertisements.
2. Add a new Advertisement
Click "Add New Advertisement" in the top right corner of your screen.
3. Enter basic Advertisement details
Enter the basic details for your Advertisement. You'll want to include:
- An Advertisements name (for internal tracking)
- A target URL (to link your ad to another webpage)
- Activity dates for when the ad turns on and off
- Check the "Is this Advertisements enabled box" to enable your Advertisement. It won't actually "go live" until the activity date.
4. Select your audience
You have several options when it comes to selecting who can view Advertisements. You can select All users will see the ad to ensure all families will see it, or, you can select a more targeted audience by selecting Only users matching ANY criteria (advanced user targeting) these advanced targeting options include:
- Show to users with registered accounts: Only users who have registered their accounts by setting a password will see the ad.
- Show to users with unregistered accounts: Only users who have NOT registered their accounts by setting a password will see the ad. This is a great way to create an advertisement to encourage users to fill out the onboarding form!
- Show to users not logged in (anonymous): Only users who are NOT logged into their account (such as clicking on an article in the newsletter but not logging in) will see the ad. This applies to portal ads only.
- Show to users logged in (authenticated): Only users who are logged into their account will see the ad. This applies to portal ads only.
- Show to users who are members of ANY of the following communities: Enter the names of the specific communities you would like to target. In the example below, Junior AND Senior Year families will see the ad.
- Show to users who are members of ALL of the following communities: When selecting this option, users must be a member of ALL of the communities you enter in order to see the ad. In this example, only users that are First-Year Families AND First-generation Families will see the ad.
5. Select WHERE to display your Advertisement(s)
There are several ad zones available across your portal and newsletter.
Keep in mind that you'll want to create a new advertisement for EACH zone where you’ll be placing an advert. You can re-use the same type of graphic across different ad zones in the newsletter and portal.
To create a newsletter advertisement…
First, click the “Create a New Newsletter Advertisement” button.
On the next page, you'll select your newsletter ad zone(s) and upload an advertisement graphic.
Some tips:
- Your options for portal advertisement include: post-style ads in the center newsfeed, or banner-style ads across different areas of the portal.
- For post-style ads, you can also include text, a call to action (CTA) and graphics
- To select an ad zone, toggle through the options under “Content Zone.” As you do this, you’ll see a visualization of the newsletter ad on the right side of the screen.
- If you have multiple ads in the same content zone, make sure to identify which has a higher priority where it says "Ad Priority." The one with the highest priority should be marked as "1"
- Once you select the ad zone, fill in the boxes to create your advertisement and click “Create Advert!”
To create a portal advertisement…
First, click the “Create a New Portal Advertisement” button.
On the next page, you'll select your portal ad zone(s) and upload an advertisement graphic. Some tips:
- Your options for portal advertisements include: post-style ads in the center newsfeed, or banner-style ads across different areas of the portal.
- For post-style ads, you can also include text, a call to action (CTA) and graphics
- To select an ad zone, toggle through the options under “Content Zone.” As you do this, you’ll see a visualization of the portal ad on the right side of the screen.
- Once you select the ad zone, upload your graphic, if applicable (image specifications are available under the Ad Template), and click “Create Advert!”
CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve successfully created an advertisement!
View your new ad advertisement across your portal and newsletter. (TIP: Send yourself a sample newsletter to preview any newsletter advertisements!)
Remember to revisit your Advertisements Module to view performance metrics, including ad impressions (views), clicks, and performance over time. You can always export advertisement analytics to prove impact to your sponsors!
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