We know that you want to be able to see who is clicking through your content, well, CampusESP now has a feature called, “Click Reports!” This tool enables you the opportunity to see who has engaged with specific pieces of content related to crucial actions by accessing Click Reports for all Announcements, SMS Campaigns, and Advertisements, from the past and in the future!
For announcements:
First, go to your announcements by selecting the Content tab, then "Announcements":
Next, select the announcement that you’d like to see the click report for.
At the top right hand corner, select the “Click Report” button.
From this page you will be able to do the following: add those that clicked on the link(s) in the announcement to a community (red), download unique click data - a list of all unique email addresses that clicked on the content (green), or all of the click data from the announcement (blue).
For Advertisements:
First, go to your advertisements by selecting the Content tab and then "Advert Campaigns".
Then select the advertisement you would like to run a “click report” for.
Next, select "Performance":
Finally, select “Click Report”:
From this page you will be able to do the following: add those that clicked on the link(s) in the announcement to a community (red), download unique click data - a list of all unique email addresses that clicked on the content (green), or all of the click data from the announcement (blue).
For SMS (Texting):
First, go to your SMS Campaigns by selecting the Content tab and then "SMS Campaigns":
Next, select the the campaign that you would like to run a click report for.
After this step, select "Click Report" on the top right hand corner of the page:
From this page you will be able to do the following: add those that clicked on the link(s) in the SMS Campaign to a community (red), download unique click data - a list of all unique email addresses that clicked on the content (green), or all of the click data from the SMS Campaign (blue).
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