For this sample import, we'll be using this test sheet. Feel free to take a look and use this as a template if you'd like!
Step 1: To see User Imports, go to You can also navigate here in the Admin area of your portal by clicking on Users --> User Imports.
Step 2: If you have previously imported users into your portal, you will see a button in the top right corner of your screen that says “New User Import.” If you have never imported users before, you will see a green button that says “Start a new Import.” Click on your respective option.
File Formatting
When you import the file, it will need to be a CSV file with proper formatting. The only required piece of information to import a user is their email address.
If you have more information about each user, it is easy to import the following:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Address (2 lines)
- City
- State
- Zip code
- Country
You might have custom fields set up as well. If you have additional information that you would like to have on users' profiles in the portal, contact us at and we can help set those up!
- Note: If you would like to track something like First-Generation Families or Alumni, we recommend importing or moving these users into their respective communities. This does not require keeping the information on their profile, but allows you to track their engagement by community.
Sample Spreadsheet:
Let’s say we start out with a list of parent emails that looks like this. There are a few edits we need to make before we’re ready to import this list.
Good news! If you make a mistake when formatting your sheet (like saying "First Name" rather than "first_name," the system will not run the import. It will tell you the error and will prompt you to run the import again!
1) Edit the column headers.
Your spreadsheet’s first row, the column titles, have to be in a certain format for the import to run successfully. In this example, columns K-N will have rules applied to them and therefore do not need to be adjusted, unless they have special characters (which need to be removed before import). The correct formats are listed on the User Import page and are listed here:
Note: The column titles should include the same capitalization and underscores that are shown in the portal’s guidelines. “firstname” will not be imported, but “first_name” will be.
2) Feel free to create Community Matching Rules for any Unsupported Columns that map back to a community.
If you have information on the parent level such as their Alumni or First-Generation status and you would like to add them to corresponding communities in CampusESP, you can do that! Check out our Guide to Creating User Import Rules for more details.
3) Save the file as a .csv file.
Once your file is edited correctly, you will save it as a .csv file. If you are working in Excel, click File>Save As>Select “Comma Separated Values (.csv)”>Click Save. We also recommend naming the file something descriptive, as this will be the way you identify the import within the portal, so a name such as “2019 Fall First Year Freshman Import” may help you distinguish between imports more than having a few imports titled “Import 1,” “Import 2,” etc.
Running Your Import
Now that your spreadsheet is prepared, it’s time to run your import! Just a reminder that a spreadsheet that is not formatted correctly will not run and the system will alert you of the error. If this happens and you are unsure of what is wrong, feel free to reach out to (and include your Excel and CSV files) and we can check your formatting for you.
1) Navigate to User Imports
Go back to You can also navigate here in the Admin area of your portal by clicking on Users --> User Imports.
Click on “Start a new Import” or “New User Import.”
2) Choose File to Import.
Click on “Choose Files” and select the CSV file you have already created and formatted. Then click the button that says, “Next, Verify File.”
The tips on the right side of this screen are very helpful to remember, especially if you are doing multiple imports and do not want rely on this guide in the future!
3) Verify the File.
Here is your chance to double check the information in your file that you are importing! By this point, the system would tell you if the columns were labeled incorrectly, so if you see this screen, you are all set. It is always worth it to double check that you have labeled the columns according to data.
For example, you could use this 10-column preview of your file to make sure First Name and Last Name labels are not switched. You can make sure you’re importing Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce instead of Swift Taylor and Kelce Travis.
4) Select Communities and Preferences for Existing Users.
On this page, you can manually add this list to a community, apply community matching rules, and specify how you would like to update existing users. Once you’re finished with selecting these preferences, you can 1) Optionally, Set Up Rules, which will allow you to use more complicated rule setup than just Community Matching Rules, OR 2) Click “Continue to Email Settings" and proceed right to the final step.
4a. Family Groups (may also be labeled Campuses, Groups, Parent Groups, etc)
Select a Family Group to which you'd like to add these families to. In most cases, you can choose between Prospective and Current Families, but in other cases you might be able to select a main campus or a branch campus.
4b. Communities
Select Communities into which you would like these users to be imported. For example, if this import consists of 1st Year Families that are all starting in Fall 2023, we can import them into these the First Year Families community by selecting that option. In addition, all users will automatically be imported into the communities that you have marked as default in your portal.
4c. Community Matching Rules
Check out our Guide to Creating User Import Rules for more!
4d. Existing Users Preferences
You have a few choices of what to do with users who already have accounts in your portal and are also in the file that you are importing. Read these following bullet points for more information on each choice!
- “If the user already exists, update their profile information from this file.” - If the user’s email already exists in the portal, but their information is different on the spreadsheet than it is in the portal, then their profile will be updated with the information that is imported.
- “If the user already exists, add the user to the specified communities above.” - If the user already exists in the portal, but they are not a member of the specified communities, they will be added to the communities that you have specified for the import.
- “If the user does not exist, then ignore the user during import.” - If the user does not have an account, then clicking this box will not import the user. This box should only be used in special circumstances when you are trying to move users that already exist. By clicking this box on an import, you will simply be updating information ONLY for existing users.
- "If this user already exists, add the user to the specified family groups above." - If the user is currently in one of the family groups, make sure they're also added to the family group you selected in Step 4a. This is great if you're importing families during Orientation and they might be in the Prospective Families group already, but you'd like to add them to the Current Families group too.
- "If this user exists, remove the user from family groups selected below." - In the example of importing families during Orientation, you might choose that you'd like to remove anyone in this list from the Prospective Families group as they go through Orientation. If you check this box, a dropdown will appear for you to specify how these families should move.
PRO-TIP: Check out our Guide: Guide to Creating User Import Rules to see how you can utilize community matching to expedite the process of adding users to different communities within one file upload.
5) Optionally, Set Up Rules
If you click "Optionally, Set Up Rules," you'll be taken to this page below where you can configure rules for your file!
To get started, click "Add new rule."
In the "Add a New Rule" window that will pop up, you can configure rules by:
1) Selecting a column - to which column do you want this rule to apply? In this case, I'll select "Preferred Language."
2) Telling the system which values to consider by selecting a condition, such as "matches," "contains," or "does not match." In this case, I'll specify "when the value contains Spanish"
3) Telling the system what to do if a user matches this rule, such as joining/leaving a community or joining/leaving an organization.
4) You can also Add Criteria to make a rule multiconditional (i.e. the Preferred Language column contains Spanish AND the Class Year column matches Freshman)
5) Lastly, you can toggle advanced settings to make families leave the community if the value does not match in a future import or tell the system to stop processing other rules after it processes this one. We recommend using these advanced features sparingly and reaching out to your Customer Success Manager if you need help!
When you're done, click "Create Rule." Then, you can repeat this step as needed. Then, click "Continue to Email Settings."
6) Configure Email Settings
From this page, you can select a default email. For example, if all of these families just went through Orientation, you can send them a Welcome Email specific to Orientation. But, by clicking "Add new rule" on the right, you can get more specific and say, if the Preferred Language column matches Spanish, send the user the Spanish welcome email instead.
When you're all set, click "Run the import now!" and your import will start to process!
7) Confirm the numbers and you’re done!
The system will process your import and then show you this confirmation page. Here, you can simply confirm that the numbers seem consistent with what was on your file. If something doesn’t seem right, reach out to us at and we would be happy to look into it for you!
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